Learning Management System

The proven foundation that enables the organization of learning and skills development.

Learning Ecosystem

The holistic foundation that allows seamless integration into your organization.

Learning Experience Platform

The innovative foundation that merges artificial intelligence and e-commerce power.

Mobile Learning App

The mobile foundation that puts collaboration & gamification in the hands of your users.


Using artificial intelligence wisely

AI assistant for navigating through educational offers

An intelligent AI assistant helps you to find and locate your learning opportunities and learning content.

Details zum KI Tutor
Details zum KI Fellow
KI Assistent
Direct benefit from

Personal recommendations via intelligent AI chatbot

Über einen Chatbot-Ansatz hilft der KI-Assistent durch direkte Kursempfehlungen an den Lernenden und ist im Stande eine personalisierte Learning Journey vorzuschlagen. Herkömmliche manuelle Suchanfragen durch den Lernenden werden durch diesen interaktiven Ansatz abgelöst bzw. vereinfacht.

Your benefits

Gain knowledge faster
  • Your target group receives recommendations in the most efficient way and can quickly access suitable educational offers or course materials.
Acquire information more efficiently
  • Your target group receives information and knowledge directly on request, without the need for complicated navigation or searching on the platform.
Automated recommendations
  • Your target group receives personalized learning journeys and the educational offers that are actually relevant to the user profile.
Go Live

Our R&D Timeline

> 4 years


Our R&D Investment

> 1m EUR


Your Running Costs

from 100€/month



“AI-generated recommendations” as the basis for personalized learning support

Your organization benefits from an artificial intelligence developed over several years that enables personalized learning journeys.


Vectorized data storage at the heart of your learning experience

Using a RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) approach, a central data repository was developed that functions as a multidimensional knowledge repository and can be linked to a wide variety of high-performance LLMs (Large Language Models).

AI Assistant: Personal recommendations
AI Assistant: Create skills profile
AI Assistant: Reskilling vs. Upskilling
AI Assistant: Annotate skills
AI Assistant: skills profile & recommendations

The following institutions were involved in research & development:

WBS Training
Deutsches Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung
AWS Startup Loft Accelerator
Internet Privatstiftung

Benefit from innovative AI modules

3 essential functions that lead you and your learners to more efficiency and time savings with minimal effort.


Details zum KI Assistent
  • AI-supported navigation through educational offerings
  • adaptive learning journeys
  • personalized recommendations
Details zum KI Tutor
  • AI-supported learning support for learning content
  • Learning context-related assistance
  • Personalized interaction
Details zum KI Fellow
  • AI-supported creation of learning content
  • Generation of individual knowledge checks
  • Personalized e-learning